25 July 2007

Netmax Zona Final 1.0.611

Netmax is a Portuguese program of total communication that includes some functionalities. Pods to talk with any person everywhere in the Internet. It allows to monitorizar and to control a PC through remote access. This is the program that goes to revolutionize the Internet in Portugal.

Homepage: http://www.zonafinal.com/netmax/
Support: Forum

Functionalities of the Netmax:
  • Conversation online
  • Troca/Partilha de ficheiros
  • Pesquisas de ficheiros através de P2P
  • Internet Explorer
  • Text Editor
  • Remote access to other computer
  • Download/Upload de ficheiros
  • Reprodutor de canais de Rádio/TV
  • Encrypted messages send
  • Send SMS
  • IRC Client
  • RSS Feed news reader
Caracteristicas Técnicas :
  • Use protocolos TCP/UDP para maior compatibilidade nas ligações
  • P2P através de Direct Connect (ou usando um Servidor)
  • Protocolos NX/HTTP para troca de ficheiros
  • Portas próprias para cada componente
  • Gestor de Downloads HTTP/FTP
  • Engana o Traffic Shaping agressivo e ilegal por parte de ISP's sem escrúpulos
  • Browser com sistema alias para URLs
  • UPnP para facilitar uso de portas em routers/firewalls (www.upnp.org)
  • Auto Update Online
  • Mostra os últimos ficheiros adicionados ao Kinet (P2P)
The first published version meets in programming and permanent revision. Here to download the current version and to test. Your suggestions are welcome.
Program include English Translation.

Latest Version 1.0.611
Windows 32bits » Netmax v1.0.611.7z ( unpacked 1,34 MB) | DDL1 | DDL2 |
FileShare Hosting Mirrors1 - Mirrors2

Update Netmax.exe Download: http://www.zonafinal.com/netmax/Netmax.exe

Older Version:
Windows 32bits » Netmax.rar
(1,15 MB rar - unpacked 3,40 MB)
| DDL1 (936 KB 7-zip) | DDL2 | FileShare Hosting Mirrors1 - Mirrors2

UPX optimized: Windows 32bits » (0,99 MB 7-zip - unpacked 1,34 MB) Netmax
Thanks for the news message submition


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