26 July 2007

eMule 0.48a VeryCD Build 0724 Beta

eMule v0.48a Build 070724beta[2007-07-24]

这个版本最重要的是希望解决用户反应的emule L2L使得一些用户其它网络应用会不能使用..
VeryCD eMule 0.48
* Tackling bug: complete ban on automatic search function to restart the process after the collapse produce
* L2L improve efficiency and speed of transmission, reducing the waste of redundant data
* Tackling several other procedures collapse
* Part of the solution procedure die away phenomenon
* Statistics speed correction algorithm

This version was the most important thing is to resolve user reaction emule L2L will not makes some users of other network applications.. can use redundant data because the reason.

Homepage: http://www.emule.org.cn/download/
BBS: BetaGroup

Download Installer: eMule-0.48a-VeryCD070724Beta.exe - Mirros1 - Mirrors2 - DDL1 - DDL2
Download BIN: Mirrors1 - Mirror2 - DDL1 - DDL2
Mirrors on Site @HTTP GreenDown.cn
Mirrors on Site @HTTP sz1001.net
Mirrors on Site @HTTP xdowns.com
Mirrors on Site @HTTP PCHOME.net
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switch flash and inline frames off to filter ads out.

ed2k Link: ed2k://|file|eMule-0.48a-VeryCD070724Beta.exe|3571546|D6C73C18B8586F7445914A0CDB7CF871|h=3ZEDQKUKPC6ABBRIBQRSJTUQJXDCKUWJ|/


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