31 July 2007

Rufus 0.7.0 Beta for Windows size optimized

Rufus BitTorrent Client 0.7.0 BetaRufus - BitTorrent Client Version 0.7.0 Beta for Windows
Optimized to 5,4 MB installed (as small as possible)

Files repacked/compressed using latest methods:
.pyd, .exe, dll's files are packed with UPX 3.0 (on Linux) /lzma /best /ultra-brute
rufus.dat (it's a PK Zip file) repacked with latest 7zip Version zip /best /deflat

Download + Mirrors:
Rufus_0.7.0_win32_bin.7z (4.28 MB) | Mirrors1 | Mirrors2 | DDL
Rufus_0.7.0_win32_bin.rar (4.25 MB) | Mirrors1 | Mirrors2 | DDL


Anonymous said...

update 4 wp: semmelstatz 2.5
$topreads = $this->wpdb->get_results(”SELECT post_title AS posttitle, post_name as postname, guid AS postid, COUNT(”.$this->wpdb->statz.”.page) AS count FROM “.$this->wpdb->posts.”, “.$this->wpdb->statz.” WHERE “.$this->wpdb->statz.”.page = “.$this->wpdb->posts.”.ID AND guid!=” GROUP BY postid ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 10″);

change DESC LIMIT 10 to u'r neez 20, 25...


Descargas: http://www.kopfhoch-studio.de/blog/?dl=semmelstatz2_5.zip

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