27 July 2007

eMule 0.47c VeryCD Speed Up Low ID to Low ID

Within network penetration, the simple answer is that the realization among the LowID transmission, LowID allow users to HighID users as high-speed download. But please note this is only a small-scale test for the version used to test the penetration within the network efficiency and performance through our feedback, we can quickly improve related development, and for the early release of the official version. But after the download, please directory on the new test. And the possible long-running (can be minimized to the background does not affect the use of the original eMule)

Speedup rapid testing guide:
1. to extract a new directory, up and running emule.exe. This is a test version, not used to cover the original eMule.
2. point to Toolbars "option" - "conventional, confirm or change your user name (please do not use the default yourname. to facilitate what we observe in each other - users)
3. double-click on the lower right corner of edits to ensure that you are lowid. and the company ed and kad network (test version of the default has not opened upnp, if you are not lowid. Please use firewall settings, the ban face your emule tcp port connected to resume emule)
4. eMule activated, will automatically download this file ed2k://|file|MovieMp3.rar|237795226|E6B1D305B9680A9D2D7631BC1F7A3070|h=FQS3YUBJJCDVW6OGPUSPULSINIY2V3VM|/
5. double-click download tasks, the task of View Peer Links and transmit information. Download to see if the state "Low2Low transmission" (Low2Low Transferri Vi) can be seen... more "Low2Low transmission," the better...

Discussion Board: http://board.verycd.com/t410140.html
Download: http://download.verycd.com/eMule/eMule-VeryCD.SpeedUp.beta.1222.rar
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