20 September 2007

eMule v0.48a SharkX v0.3g by Taz


SharkX 0.3g 18/09/2007
add: SharkX goes international (Tools->Links->Mod thread following language selection)
change: CPUUsageReader to GetProcessTimes - from Stulle 5.3 (taz)
add: add number of cores to clip stats , and to cpu usage calculations at clip stats (taz)
fix: rescale cpu usage bar at TransferWnd to 100 * number of cores (taz)
add: update number to splash screen & clip stats (taz)
fix: spelling issues at emule.rc (10'x Emulizzato & DarkForge translators)
fix: SharkX logo jpeg size (for matching SplashScreen.cpp code of 65% used jpeg hight)
fix: preserve min2tray between restarts.
fix: any change to download capacity will auto adjust (if needed) Dynamic Max Download speed

Download bin and source @emulefuture

older Version:
eMule 0.48a SharkX v0.3f by Taz


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