15 September 2007

Neo Mule 4.50 Beta 3 RC (release candidate)

eMule 0.48a NeoMule 4.50 Beta 3 RC
eMule 0.48a Neo Mule 4.50
http DL @SourceForge Beta3:
Neo Mule v4.50 Binary
Neo Mule v4.50 Debug Binary
Neo Mule v4.50 Sources
SourceForge Files: Neomule v4.50 Beta

changes since Beta2
/******** Beta 3 ********/
MOD - [DontRemoveStaticServers]
MOD - [ServerIPFilter]

Fixed some bugs
reworked release slot limt handling
added setting for release chunks
CUT - [CleanUploadTiming]
FB - [FeedBack]
MOD - [SearchHash]

Support BBS: Neo Mule 4.50 Beta 3 (release candidate)
Homepage: Neo Mule

older Neo Mule 4.50 Betas


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