04 July 2007

TuoTu 3.0.102 (2007.7.2) Chinese and English Version

脱兔TuoTu 3.0.102 (2007.7.2)

102 版更新日志 2007-7-2
* BT 大大改善了磁盘读写的性能。比如检查文件完整性只需旧版一半时间,且不会让系统变得很卡。
* BT 修正了磁盘缓存的一个bug,可能引起边缘块下载不完整
* 增加多语言测试,目前含有英文版。右上角工具栏菜单里可以选择语言
* 修正101版本在Vista下面卡死的问题(其他操作系统可能也有影响,但不一定会卡)

* 改善了跨协议重复下载问题,特别是连续剧
* 界面修正了已经运行的BT任务点击重新检查完整性第一次没反应,要点第二次的bug
* 界面修正bt/emule任务末尾字符串是torrent,完成后会删除任务的bug
* 界面运行后显示正在下载的任务列表,而不是全部任务列表
* 修正0629测试版新安装用户修改下载目录会崩溃的问题
* 修正杀毒选项页设定丢失的问题
* UPNP映射成功后自动重新连一次电驴服务器,以获取高ID。同时修正一些bug
* 修正一些界面文字错误


102 version ChangeLog 2007-7-2
* BT has greatly improved disk read and write performance. For example, integrity checking of documentation Microsoft said only half of the time and does not allow card system has become.
* BT that the disk cache of a bug may lead to marginal block download incomplete
* Multi-language tests currently contains English. Top right hand corner of the toolbar menu, I could not amend the language of their choice
* 101 Vista version of the card below the problem of death (Other parade for the system may also affect, but not necessarily card)
* improvement of the inter-repeat download agreement,
* Special serial interface is that the already operational tasks BT re-examine the integrity of it first did not respond, points of the second amendment bug
* interface bt / emule task is the end of the string torrent, Upon completion of the task will be deleted
* interface running bug after that it is downloaded to the task list, but not all tasks that list
* 0,629 test users install the new version of amendments to the download directory collapse of the amendment scrapping
* drug options page set loss of mapping
* UPNP automatically re-After the success -- even a donkey server, ID to obtain high. Meanwhile amendments to some bug interface
* amendments to some textual errors

Download English and Chinese Version

Mirrors: TuoTu_3.0.102.exe (2.6 MB)
Download non installer Version (WinRAR self extracting file, all exe, dll's are UPX /LZMA /MaxCompression optimized/compressed): Tuotu.exe (2.51 MB)


Anonymous said...

Work fine! Thanks, now we can use it in english. Great Program fast on emule and torrent, the http downloader is very good too.

Running the Setup deselect all to only install tuoto all-in-one downloader

Anonymous said...

testing, testing,...

Anonymous said...


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