01 September 2007

VeryCD eMule 0.48a Build 0831 Beta

The network penetration, to put it simply, is to realize LowID among the transmission, users can also LowID HighID users as high-speed downloads. But please note this is only for a small-scale test version of the network to test the performance and efficiency of penetrating through all the feedback, we can make fast improve related development, and strive for an early release of the official version.

eMule v0.48a Build 070831beta[2007-08-31]
+ Joining the anti-VIRUS (vampire) Donkey Protection
+ Join the agreement with Google Toolbar placement application
* Improvements resulting from excessive connecting some routers off net
* Amendment Bug: UPnP and Kad update conflict
* FIX: Customizable the toolbar problem
* FIX: Under Vista installation, read the configuration file error problem


eMule v0.48a Build 070831beta[2007-08-31]


The Google inside the Toolbar in installer installation. Using tool extract the 7zip installer prevent the installation of Google settlements Toolbar in VeryCD eDonkey


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